By Christine McLean

Ever feel like your brain is on overload? Like you can’t think clearly or make decisions easily? Stuck in circles going nowhere?
Are you dealing with a serious case of mind fog or mental clutter 😩
What exactly is mind fog or mental clutter?
Mental clutter is when you have so many ideas and thoughts floating around in your head that you have trouble thinking clearly and making decisions or maybe you have no clear thoughts in your head you just feel foggy no direction and no drive or energy to make a direction.
There’s just so much to do and not enough time to make it happen thinking.
The trouble is that we often believe things are worse than they are, our critic mind becomes negative because we keep thinking instead of taking action to solve our problems.
When this happens, you know it's time for a little mental detox. Just as we clean our physical spaces homes, work, paperwork draws spaces, its also important to declutter and clear your mind. When we free up our minds we create space, were able to feel calmer, think more clearly, and stay mindful here are five ideas to help you deal with mental clutter, reduce decision fatigue, cleanse your negative mindset and give yourself some headspace!
1. GET CLEAR ON what you want to achieve each day. Reduce decision fatigue by getting clear on what important to you. Maybe it family, friends, and work. Maybe its self care, creativity, and comfort - prioritise each day by nourishing your mind with feel good moments 🥰
Making decisions can be tough, we never really know what the right decision is until we have experienced its outcome, but your gut feeling is always right. Get to know how your gut feels when you say yes - do you feel light and bright? Or do you feel stuck or anxious? - say YES to more goodness.
3. FOCUSED YOUR MIND - 2 minutes turns into 10 minutes of ease. Focused breathing has the ability to change the way you think feel and act in any moment. Clear the monkey mind by focusing your mind on the act of breathing. Count each breath and breathe slowly for 2-minutes
4. BECOME MINDFUL - of the information you accept. Learn to be mindful of how you see the world, be gentle to people, be kind to nature, eat slowly, drink plenty of water and think about moving slowly when life starts to walk fast.
5. DON’T BE AFRAID TO SAY NO AND LET GO. Give your brain some space SAY NO AND LET GO, walk away from struggle, find lightness and choose ease. Be willing to not react to every little idea or thoughts you have, make a list or write in your journal, find space to be without thought through meditation
Weekly in Person Classes - starts 8th of June - Cheshire - Nantwich - Burland 6pm