By Sukhdeep Bhamera ©

My name is Sukhdeep Bhamera, and I’m from Birmingham. I first began playing guitar in 2003. I write record, perform and produce all my own music. I’ve always liked to write my thoughts down, and sometimes these took the form of poetic verse. So, I was always comfortable expressing myself in written form. I didn’t get into musicianship until comparatively late in my life. I picked up a guitar at 23. This was the time of Britpop and Oasis, Blur, The Verve - all were at the peak of their powers. I was one of those who was swept away by this fantastic guitar music being produced which became the voice of my youth. I got myself a guitar from a second-hand shop, got it restrung and taught myself to play over the course of a weekend. Within two weeks I was writing songs to my melodies. Being from a deprived inner-city area, finding and affording guitar lessons wasn’t an option, so I learned things as I went along, but I started writing songs very quickly.
The song ‘Love Is Love’ was inspired by a slide in a PowerPoint presentation on diversity. The slide was of a Pride March, and had a young lady holding a rainbow-coloured placard, with the words ‘Love Is Love’ painted on. The message is very simple and articulated simply, and that’s what made me pick up my guitar and write this song. Although it's no political statement, the essence of the song is a celebration of love. We end up judging people and scrutinising relationships, which is irrelevant detail. Regardless of gender, race, caste, creed or country, love Is love! The song is driven by acoustic guitar and a drum line, and various vocal harmonies, with which I wanted to create a summer, Beach Boys-esque sound, as the song is about happiness and celebration.
Having the ability to make music and express myself has been a godsend during lockdown. I’ve been able to dedicate more time to my music and writing, and the new single ‘Love Is Love’ was written and recorded during lock down. I was able to write a song of positivity and hope during the darkest of times and I hope that the song brings smiles and joy to everyone who hears it.
Music has that ability to change your mood and your feelings in a matter of seconds and minutes, which is why making music is a form of therapy, not only for myself as a musician, but sharing that therapy with the listeners.