About Marc

Hi, I’m Marc! Father, photographer, exotic car lover, progressive learner, and an all-around good guy with a cartoon-like personality.
I am so glad you arrived here! If you are present and accounted for because you are looking to create a better life for yourself than you are in the right spot. At Ridiculously Enjoy Life we help you learn how to achieve happiness in your life in different ways. When I started this journey, it began out of necessity. My life was crazy, man! I now have been able to transform myself into the person I want to be.
Helping others makes me happy and by creating Ridiculously Enjoy Life, it has given me the opportunity to help on a grander scale.
Help me help you, so we can help each other.

If at first, you don’t succeed, edit, edit, edit! In life, we get many opportunities to rewrite the script, but many of us don’t fully comprehend that we actually have that ability to do so. Growing up you hear your parents, teachers, and others say, “If at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Did we listen though?
As I am rewriting my script I have learned many new things along the way. Additionally, I am recalling some tips and good advice that was given to me early on, so that I can utilize them as tools for my mindset moving forward. I am taking the bits and pieces and compiling a strategy that will be implemented into new and healthy habits
Each Challenge Can Be Reworked
The new habits I have created are in regards to how I view and attack problems that come my way. It is important to keep in perspective that each challenge that doesn’t necessarily go the way we planned, can be edited. If you don’t succeed at first don’t worry, you can take the information that you’ve experienced and use it to correct it.
The errors do have value for moving forward, it’s up to you to understand what they are. We know the value of some of the good sayings but we seem to of left them in the past when we were kids. The good sayings are most likely always going to be of value. In the past, I would encounter an issue and resort to my old thinking, which was to feel that it was due to my belief of having bad luck. With that feeling and belief, you could see how someone won’t seize an opportunity to keep trying. It’s so easy to just give up.
Don’t Give Up
Once you give up on something and make excuses for why it didn’t work out you can continue down that path. We all have highs and lows in life. Take the opportunity to reflect before giving up. If you have to give yourself a pep talk then go ahead, I won’t judge. I give myself pep talks periodically because I am a great listener. Tell yourself that you have all the abilities you need to sort through the problem and figure it out. Take the problem on again. You can do this by viewing the failure as a challenge.
I recently had an internal server error for the website and I had no idea how to solve it. I didn’t have enough knowledge at the time to understand how to go about solving it so it was a bit frustrating. When you get a critical server error and your site can’t be accessed, you kind of freak out. I was like a deer in headlights.
Take A Step Back When Needed
Where the heck do I start? Feeling overwhelmed very quickly I paused for a moment to take in what had happened. I decided to step back, have a Coke and a smile, and then come back to it more refreshed so that I could approach the problem like a sleuth. I took notes of what I encountered and created a strategy of ruling things out. Computer programming codes are in the thousands apparently.
I understood coming into it that if at first, I don’t succeed, I can edit, edit, edit until I reached the solution. I started having a bit of fun hitting those errors throughout the process because I knew I would solve it on my own without calling the help desk. Mind you it did take me almost 2 days of sorting to figure it out and get back on track. Luckily, most of the site was functioning well enough throughout the process.
Being able to recognize that you have all the abilities you need to solve problems along the way will make problems less stressful. You may not have the knowledge at the time to solve a problem, but you do have access to gain that knowledge. Don’t be so hard on yourself and don’t give up. Keep working at something till you get it right. There are some exceptions to this rule of course. If you are on a burning and sinking ship, know when you need to jump off that one.
How do you approach challenges? Do you have a method?
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Well written😊👍!