By Lockdowninspired

Well 2020 is coming to an end and what a year it has been. We have never seen anything like it. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused chaos for all on this earth. Sacrificing our freedom and way of life, suddenly developing an OCD for hand-washing, wearing face masks, worried for the health of ourselves and loved ones.
Some worked from home, some continued as key workers in highly dangerous situations, we home schooled our children and worried about the impact it would have on their education and their social interactions. For many who lived in isolation, being separated from those we held dear was devastating, while restrictions on travel and day to day activities were imposed. Not to mention worrying whether to try a new vaccine.
Anxiety, stress and tensions soared. That was just the pandemic. We have witnessed the cruel and brutal death of George Floyd, which left the whole world in shock and disgust and caused unrest across the world. We have witnessed the demise of Donald Trump and the uproar and division it has caused in the US.
This year has been memorable. For some it leaves devastation, fear, anxiety and grief, for others it is a wake up call and has allowed people to re-evaluate what is important in life. One thing I believe we agree on is that it has shifted our lives in one way or another.
What are the positives that have come out of this crazy year? We have seen friendship, community, unity, love and kindness; dolphins in the Venetian canals, the sky become bluer, less pollution, people talking to their neighbours, people of ALL races standing and marching together in the name of humanity and change supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. Important issues have been raised regarding the existence of systematic racism and created debate and calls for reform. Although it has been tough and painful the world has seen true fellowship, humanity and beauty.
The pandemic I hope, has taught us to be kinder and more accepting, to show compassion, to stop and think, to be positive, to communicate better. For some individuals it has led them to faith or spirituality. The virus has shown people that life is short and to never take your existence for granted. It has been an awakening and it's still out there, but it has taught us to adapt, reflect and change negative behaviours or things in our lives that no longer serve us.
What is the way forward as we prepare for 2021? We remain awake, show compassion, call out injustice. Show gratitude and connect with nature, love our environment and listen to the planet, show appreciation for friends and family, help our communities and look out for one another and connect with our beliefs with a deeper understanding. It is the year of action, ensuring we elevate ourselves and treat others with kindness and humility. This year was a life lesson. Next year will be the action plan.
I would never have started the platforms and business had I not had the time to stop from my normal day to day rat race life. I have suffered with anxiety and COVID affecting my family members. We have been fortunate to recover and I make a commitment to show gratitude daily for this gift.
I have seen beautiful changes in my children and have re-connected with friends for which I am so thankful. The connections made in the groups have been some of my highlights. I have truly met some beautiful people across the groups. You have touched me in such an inspirational way. For me, the doors have been flung open in 2020, and finally I feel like I'm home.
I want to thank you all for your continued support these last three months. I absolutely couldn't have achieved this without you. I wish you all a Happy New Year. Stay safe in 2021 and try to live with love in your heart and positivity in your mindset. I look forward to growing and connecting with you all. #unity
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